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Jadyn Laneaux 2023 Softball "Smashing Hitter" Signee

Jadyn Laneaux

Pope High School

Georgia 6A Player of the Year

ExtraInning Rank No. 39

.624 Batting AVG, .690 OBP 1.229 Slugging % , 68 Hits, 13HR, 45 RBIs, 34 Stolen Bases, 15 doubles and 6 triples

Jadyn Laneaux the do it all outfielder out of Pope High in Georgia took some time to discuss her recruitment with me. She committed to LSU at an early age as she detailed "I think one of the benefits of committing so early was getting to know the coaches from such a young age. It’s been cool to grow our relationship over 5 years. I love all of them and am looking forward to learning from them over the next few years!" She detailed further saying "I committed right before the rule change in 2018. I was 13 yrs old (7th grade) I think it was tough for both of us because a lot of schools didn’t want to commit such a young player but i was pretty eager to commit when I did."

Who did LSU beat out for Jadyn's commitment "I was also considering OU and UGA pretty heavily and MS state and South Carolina were showing interest but it was pretty difficult because I committed so young." We discussed what about LSU stood out to her and she stated "I immediately felt comfortable and at home when I visited there. I think the amount everyone cares for one another radiates in everything they do and I loved being surrounded by that energy. It’s so encouraging and positive."

She described her playing style to me saying "I would say the strongest part of my game is my ability to see the ball at the plate. I make adjustments really fast and see the ball well and it allows me to barrel balls consistently." She added "I think I would say that I am a passionate player who would do anything to help my team out and they can expect that I’d do anything to help my team win."

We discussed her previous accomplishments and she said " Some previous accomplishments are 3x State Player Of the Year for 6A in GA , 3rd team All-American last year, 2x State Champions." On players she is looking forward to playing with "I played with Kaela Walker for quite a few years when we were younger so I’m really excited about playing with her again. My older sister (SC Gamecock Zoe Laneaux) played with Ali Newland and I’m really looking forward to play with her because I've always looked up to her! Savanna Bedell, Ive also gotten pretty close with but I’m excited to play with everyone in this class and I’m looking forward to getting to know them better."

Many know this LSU team has made a few early postseason exits in recent years. I asked Jadyn, with her and other signees winning multiple state championships each, what does she thinks that does to help propel this team in post season play "I think we bring a lot of different aspects to the team. We have speed, power, and a lot of flexibility when it comes to positioning. I think we have a range of things to contribute to this team physically as well as how we fight to win every pitch and every game."

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I look up to her and I am literally in the same grade as her she is such an inspiration can’t wait to watch her college career while I continue mine! -Emaria

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